Yasemin Allsop worked as an ICT Coordinator in primary schools in London for almost 10 years. In 2014 she started to work as a senior lecturer in Computing at Manchester Metropolitan University. She also ran CPD sessions in Computing at the MMU STEM centre. She is currently employed as a Senior Lecturer in Computing Education at Roehampton University. Her research focus is children’s thinking, learning and metacognition when designing digital games. She is the founder and co- editor of an online magazine called ICT in Practice (www.ictinpractice.com) where educators from around the world share their experiences of using technology in education. She is the EU Code Week ambassador for the UK. In 2014, she was shortlisted for the Primary Impact Awards by the prestigious NAACE (The National Association for the Advancement of Computer Education). Their last book with Ben Sedman called ‘Primary Computing in Action’ came out in October 2015. Web site: www.yaseminallsop.me.uk Twitter: @yallsop