Ayşegül Liman Kaban is one of the instructors of Bahçeşehir University. She came second in ELTBLOGATHON in 2010. She got her MA degree from Marmara University in 2013. Her thesis topic was “Emotional Contagion In Teacher-Student Relationship”. She worked as an editor of IATEFL TEASIG Assessment and Evaluation magazine between 2013 and 2016. Since September 2016, she has been working as the editor of IATEFL Learning Technologies magazine. She started her PHD education at Bahçeşehir University’s Educational Technology Doctoral Programme in 2015. Since 2009, she has been attending national and international conferences regarding use of technology in education both as a speaker and a participant. She has two children books on the topics of game addiction and cybersafety and their names are “game monster” and “Defne’s cyber ID”. She believes that change starts with oneself and life gets better when we share our experiences.