Why should I participate in this training?

Research showed that students learn better by doing and experiencing.

In this process, it is an education that the students are expected to master the technical details about the Drones that started to take place in many areas in our lives today, and it is also for students to be able to start to produce and test.

Content of training:

General definition and applications of drone

Learning the basic flight mechanism of drone

Introduction to design of drone: Design of cargo drone

Assembling and disassembling a ready set drone

Setting options of drone and remote controller via drone application on computer

Developing manual skills and pilot reflexes through computer-aided drone simulation

Task planning for autonomous flight, introduction of autopilot computer interface

In this presentation, we are going to share ideas on how to integrate the activity examples which are designed by our Dronmarket company into our lessons by examining them in order to contribute to STEM field.